Thursday, 24 November 2011

White Pine Dojo Trip.

Last week we visited the White Pine Dojo in slocan. This is a place where aikido is taught to various residents of the Slocan Valley. Here are reflections on the students experience during this trip.
Students, I would like you to share what you know about the White Pine Dojo and about its owners Roland and Marcia Werner.

What do you know about aikido and what do you know about Roland and Marcia and their passion about their business and lifestyle?


leif said...

Roland and Marcia named it white pine dojo because there are a lot of white pines around that area.
Roland and Marcia teach aikido.
Roland teaches kids classes and adult classes, he also teaches in nelson. Marcia teaches little kid classes. i forget what aikido means but i think what they are doing is really cool and fun for people who are interested in it.

leif said...

Roland and Marcia named it white pine dojo because there are a lot of white pines around that area.
Roland and Marcia teach aikido.
Roland teaches kids classes and adult classes, he also teaches in nelson. Marcia teaches little kid classes. i forget what aikido means but i think what they are doing is really cool and fun for people who are interested in it.

Maia said...

I know that they have white uniforms and they have about 8 different colored belts. They teach a little kid class, an older kid class and an adult class. They sometimes also use the Dojo for playing music and square dances and other things. The Dojo is not yet complete; they still have to add a few things. You have to bow to the front of the scroll to show respect in the Dojo. Roland and Marcia demonstrated some sword fighting. They call the Dojo 'White Pines' because there are a lot of white pine trees around and the white pine trees are almost all gone. Ai means harmony and Ki means energy and Do means the path. I know that Roland first discovered Aikido when his friend told him about it. He started to take lessons in Nelson and once he got good enough at Aikido he started to teach people Aikido, but first he had to build a Dojo.

We had a lot of fun and learned a lot at the White Pines Dojo! Thanks Roland and Marcia!


adriana said...

Roland and Marcia Werner teach aikido. They named the place because there are quit a bit of white pines there and most of the white pines are supposed to be almost gone. They teach allot of classes; from like, two to adults, but they separate them in different classes. When you come in, you have to bow to the shaman (scroll), and then you have to bow to your partner by sitting down before you start. Some of the moves where based on using a sword. If you don't have one, use your arms like you have one. I also know that Roland learned about aikido in Nelson when his friend told him. He also told us that Ai means harmony, Ki means energy and do means the path.

maeve said...

I know that Roland and Marcia Werner teach aikido in the Dojo. The Dojo is not yet complete, but it is almost. They have 8 different color belts White, Yellow, Orange, Red, Green, Blue, Purple and Black. Roland and Marcia named the Dojo white pines because their are a lot of white pine trees around the Dojo. Before you walk into the Dojo you have to bow in front of the scroll to show respect.

I know that Roland and Marcia are very good at aikido. They teach lots of different classes of all ages. When my class visited the Dojo, Roland and Marcia demonstrated sword fighting. Ai means harmony Ki means energy and do means path. I had a lot of fun at the Dojo, and I enjoyed watching some aikido.

Kaiya's Blog said...

White Pine Dojo

1)I dont know alot about Aikido, actully I dont know any thing. I do know a little bit about Ronald and Markia Werner and I also know that they know alot about Aikido.
They are also Lily's perens.

random said...
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kie said...

aikido is about living in harmony but it will help you if somone attacks you they tap the ground if they are getting hurt they also teach several classes of multiage groups.

taio said...

i know that roalnd and marcia teach akido in the white pines dojo and akido is a martual art to protect your self if you were in that situation. the word akido stands for ai is for harmony, ki is for energy, do is for the path of life. akido is also a peaceful martial art to learn how to move with the person who is attacking you. i also no in akido they have eghit different colord belts and when you are an adult and you reach your black belt than you go back to white...

conor said...

i know that akido is more throws and rolls then hand to hand combat.
and akido is for peace and harmony
the word akido its self stands for
harmony,energy and the path of life.
and when your a adult and you reach
your black belt you restart to white belt and start working for your second don (second black belt) and when your a kid your purple belt is kinda like you black belt and you restart to white belt and then you start to try and get your adult black belt.

Braydon said...

The white pine dojo is a place were the members of slocan valley can come and learn Aikido. Aikido is a martial art to live in harmony. ai, means harmony ki, means energy do, means the path. roland and marcia have the passion to be Aikido instructers. they teach Eight classes inthe dojo and several classes in nelson.

sam said...

The white pine Dojo is a please to learn aikido. I Menes hormone ki means energy do mean the path. They thatch Four classes aikido is a mareshetl arts